Education and Inspiration - CCell


CCell is making waves!

Magda Nawrocka-Weekes

by Magda Nawrocka-Weekes


A weekly blog full of environmental optimism, accessible up-to-date science and travel titbits…

In this ever-connected age, fake-news can lead to real confusion. With everything from tech to travel at your fingertips, it's easy to feel a little drowned in information, that's where CCell comes in....

Education and Inspiration - CCell

Education and Inspiration - CCell

What do we do?

Currently, we are working on a cutting-edge technology that harnesses the raw power of ocean waves and converts it to 100% renewable energy. This energy is used to pass a safe low-voltage current through a steel structure which is used as the backbone for artificial coral reefs. Over time the current draws in the natural minerals found in seawater, forming limestone rock over the steel. Limestone is ideal for the growth of coral which can be attached to the rock from either free-floating spores or coral-farming operations. This process has been used all over the world to grow coral reefs for both aesthetic and environmental reasons. Still confused? We'll have more on the science of this later in our blog…

But why build coral reefs?

When trying to solve some of the world's toughest problems the answer can usually be found in nature. As well as being the most diverse ecosystem in the sea, coral reefs are also key for the protection of shorelines from erosion. They provide a natural breakwater that reduces the impact of sea storms and stops sand from migrating away from beaches. Not only do they look beautiful, but reefs can be up to 72% cheaper than the more invasive coastal protection methods such as sea wall and dykes. They are also a wonderful attraction for eco-tourists. It's a win-win for everyone.

So you're starting a blog?

At CCell everything we do stems from our passion for protecting and restoring the world we live in. We are constantly looking for ways we can help our local and global environment. Countless people and projects are doing ground-breaking work towards preserving our planet, but this sometimes gets lost in the noise of the internet.

That's why we decided to start a blog, to spread the message of environmental optimism. To show you that there are solutions out there, even to the toughest and most daunting tasks. From re-forestation to modelling the lives of baby fish, to banning the harmful chemicals in sun-cream, there is always good news if you know where to look.

Combining that hopefulness with our backgrounds as trained scientists, we would also like to see a rise in the accessibility of scientific understanding; we want to cut through the jargon and give you easy to grasp, interesting scientific news. We think that, by combining education with inspiration (with a dash of travel), we really can make a difference to the world and how you see it.

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